When these 5 signs appear, be careful that uremia is approaching!

The human kidney is like a “sieve” that can remove certain waste and excess water from the body.

When chronic kidney disease occurs, the glomerulus sclerosis, the pores similar to a sieve are gradually blocked, various functions of the kidney gradually fade, and waste accumulates in the body, which will cause chronic kidney disease.

Nearly 50% of kidney disease

Early asymptomatic

“Kidney disease is a common disease with a high incidence and cannot be ignored. It is worth noting that nearly 50% of kidney diseases have hidden onset and often have no obvious symptoms in the early stage.” Peng Fenfen, deputy chief physician of the Nephrology Department of Zhujiang Hospital of Southern Medical University, said, However, as the disease develops, there are still traces to follow. In daily life, you should pay attention to observe whether you have the following symptoms.

1. Swelling of feet, ankles or legs
2. Elevated blood pressure and dizziness
3. Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting
4. Fatigue and fatigue
5. Easy to fracture and bone pain

These 7 groups of people should especially prevent kidney disease

1. People with a family history of kidney disease
Kidney disease is not necessarily hereditary, but if there is a family member with kidney disease, the probability of relatives getting kidney disease is higher than that of the general population.

2. Diabetics
Diabetic people are in a high blood sugar environment for a long time, which can easily damage the kidneys, cause kidney disease, and eventually develop into kidney failure.

3. Patients with high blood pressure
In people with high blood pressure, the blood vessels gradually lose their elasticity, and the blood supply to the kidneys is often affected, leading to nephropathy.

4. Patients with kidney stones
People with kidney stones are prone to blockage of the ureter, resulting in poor urine flow and eventually leading to obstructive nephropathy.

5. Gout patients
People with gout often take painkillers and kidney stones, leading to drug-induced nephropathy and obstructive nephropathy.

6. People who abuse drugs
Some drugs, especially those containing Aristolochia, are often nephrotoxic, leading to kidney damage and eventually renal failure after taking them.

7. People with bad living habits
Unhealthy diets such as high-salt diets and staying up late are important risk factors for kidney damage.

These 3 tests can detect early kidney disease

1. Urine routine
If both urine protein and occult blood leukocytes have plus signs, the possibility of urinary tract infection or glomerulonephritis should be considered.

2. Blood test for blood biochemistry
If the serum creatinine exceeds the standard, it also proves that the renal function is reduced.

3. Ultrasound of urinary system
It can help to judge whether there are urinary stones, tumors, abnormal cyst development, etc.

Please keep this “kidney protection” list

1. Avoid drug abuse
The kidney is the main metabolic organ of drugs. If you need to use drugs, you should try to use them under the guidance of a doctor. Do not take drugs indiscriminately, especially painkillers, various local prescriptions, and herbal medicines.

2. Get timely treatment when you are sic
The other extreme corresponding to “taking medicine indiscriminately” is that many people think that “medicine is three-point poisonous”, so they don’t take medicine when they are sick. But in this way, minor illnesses may become serious illnesses. Diseases that can be cured by taking medicine for a day or two will eventually take 10 days, 1 month, or even longer to treat, which will bring greater harm to the body, especially the kidneys. burden.

3. Control blood pressure and blood sugar
High blood pressure and high blood sugar are important “black hands” that affect kidney health. Therefore, it is necessary to take medicine on time and control blood pressure and blood sugar smoothly.

4. Drink plenty of water, don’t hold back your urine
Sufficient water can reduce the concentration of harmful substances in the kidneys, help waste to be discharged faster and better, and prevent urinary tract infections, urinary tract stones, etc.

5. Scientific diet, quit smoking and drinking
Pay attention to avoid high-salt, high-fat, high-protein diet, eat more vegetables and fruits. Not smoking and not drinking is the only rule for nourishing and protecting the kidneys.

6. Do not stay up late, strengthen exercise
Staying up late can easily destroy the normal circadian rhythm of the human body, reduce immunity and affect health. Exercising can improve the body’s immunity and build a protective shield for the kidneys.

7. Regular physical examination
Especially the urine test, to detect kidney disease as early as possible in time.

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