The Mask (1994) download

The Mask (1994)

Director: Chuck Russell
Screenwriters: Michael Fallon, Mark Withhidon, Mike Webber
Cast: Jim Carrey, Peter Riggett, Peter Greener, Amy Yasbeck, Richard Janney, Orestes Matacena, Tim Bagley, Nancy Fish, Johnny Williams / Reg E. Katie / Jim Doughan / Dennis Forrester / Cameron Diaz / Joseph Alfieri / B.J. Barie / Blake Clark / Christopher Dalga / Joely Fisher / Kay Vince Gravios/ Robert Keith/ Everey Oshin/ Robert O’Reilly/ Eamonn Roche/ Ben Stein/ Wendy L. Walsh/ Meadow Williams/ Max/ Garrett Sato/ …
Genre: Comedy / Fantasy
Region: United States
Language: English / Swedish
Released: 1994-07-29 (USA)
Length: 101 minutes
Also known as: The Mask / The Great Saint / La máscara
Rating: IMDB 6.9 / Rotten Tomatoes 80%

Movie Synopsis
Kim Stanley (Jin Rui) Acting) Honestly, living an ordinary life like all honest people. Once, Stanley fell in love with the blonde beauty Tina (Cameron Diaz Cameron Diaz), but Tina was the gang leader Dorian (Peter Greene) who robbed the bank. It was sent to explore the terrain. Dorian then successfully robs Stanley’s bank.
One night, Stanley accidentally got a strange mask. After putting on the mask, Stanley became extremely powerful and agile. Stanley began to play tricks on those who bullied him, and took away the huge sum of money Dorian had robbed, and danced with Tina in the nightclub. After Dorian knew the power of the mask, he took it away with a trick, and Stanley was put in prison. Can Stanley finally regain the mask with his own wisdom, and finally get married with Tina’s lover?

The Mask is a 1994 American superhero comedy film directed by Chuck Russell, based on the comic book series of the same name published by Dark Horse Comics. The film stars Jim Carrey as Stanley Ipkiss, a mild-mannered bank clerk who discovers a mysterious mask that transforms him into a mischievous, cartoonish, and powerful alter ego.

As The Mask, Stanley becomes a smooth-talking, confident, and invincible trickster who unleashes his wild side and begins to wreak havoc on the streets of Edge City. However, his antics also catch the attention of the city’s crime boss, Dorian Tyrell (Peter Greene), who seeks to get his hands on the mask and its powers.

The Mask was a box office success and helped to establish Jim Carrey as a leading comedic actor. The film received positive reviews for its innovative special effects, Carrey’s performance, and its blend of comedy, action, and fantasy elements.

The film was followed by an animated television series and a sequel, Son of the Mask, which was released in 2005, but was not as well-received as the original. Nevertheless, The Mask remains a popular and influential film in the genre of superhero comedies.

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